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Monday 20 December 2021

REVIEW: Jack and the Beanstalk at the Camberley Theatre

All around the country Pantomimes are opening to entertain their local communities this Christmas in a critical period for the financial health of that theatre for the year ahead after a turbulent last eighteen months for the sector. The Producers have a difficult balance to strike between the cost of investing in the production and the risks to the income generated in this environment with some audiences nervous about returning to live theatre. The result is that smaller venues have to put on a production at a fraction of the cost of larger city venues and inevitably it is harder to create a consistently good show. Venues like the small Camberley Theatre need our support and we want them to succeed in continuing to bring live entertainment to their community. 

This year their production is Jack and the Beanstalk with Suzi Budd returning as Director doubling up as an excellent villain Fleshcreep and Thomas Andrew Smith returning for a seventh season as choreographer and the trainee fairy Colin, and the show depends on their contribution for its energy and creativity. They are the best two performers in the show and give it a lift when they are on stage with a good stage presence and reactions.
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