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Wednesday 29 September 2021

REVIEW: Anything is Possible if You Think About it Hard Enough at the Southwark Playhouse

Small Things Theatre Company’s latest show is a lyrical and beautifully staged tale of love and loss. ‘Anything is Possible if You Think About it Hard Enough’, charts Alex and Rupert’s love story from the tender and clumsy meeting, courting, falling in love and eventual pregnancy. 

Rupert, a self-confessed ‘numbers man’, a Mother’s boy, who says things like ‘twerp’ and fiddlesticks’ bumps into Alex, a self-possessed young woman armed with charming and witty one-liners. The synchronicity of their chance encounter on the underground reinforces Rupert’s belief and faith in the power of numbers and patterns, like geometry, an alignment out which there is order in the world. The slick and satisfying delivery would convince even the most cynical theatre-goer in this instance of the same. 

However, when 1+1 doesn’t = 3 and their baby is stillborn, they are catapulted into grief. 
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