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Tuesday 9 October 2018

THEN AND NOW: Starlight Express

Starlight Express broke down all the barriers when it opened in the West End in 1984, putting things on stage that had never been done before. After countless productions around the World, its now a household name and instantly recognisable across the globe. Its holds the World record for being one of the longest running sit down productions in the World after the Bochum production celebrated its 30th Birthday this year. The thing that we found super cool about this show is how its evolved through the years, different productions have some completely different designs and its really interesting to see how its altered through time. Productions that are included here include the original West End run, the 1992 revamp of the show, UK tours and the Bochum production, both past companies and the current revamped version made especially for the 30th year. Take a look and share your favourite moments of the show with us on Twitter! @PocketSizeBlog #PocketThenNow  


Ray Shell (1984), Paul Baker (1994), James Gillan (2004), Kevin Kohler (2014) & Blake P Anderson (2018)


Stephanie Lawrence (1984), Cheryl McAvoy (1998), Amanda Coutts (2012), Trina Hill (2014) & Georgina Hagen (2018)

Monday 4 September 2017

REVIEW: 9 to 5 at Upstairs at the Gatehouse

Eight years since the original Broadway production, 9 to 5 makes its UK Fringe premiere with a new production directed by Joseph Hodges. 

The story highlights the problems with equality in the work place, something we still are battling now. Perhaps not in the same way but it is still prominent in our society today. 

Patricia Resnicks book is hilarious, filled with dry humour and fluidity within the story it is a perfect match for the brilliant and fun score by Dolly Parton. I forgot how good this show actually is but by revisiting the material in this new production, it brought back all those memories of when I used to listen to the soundtrack on repeat!

Unfortunately this production fails to deliver any kind of interesting or new take on the show.
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