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Monday 1 October 2018



“If it’s not right, you have to put it right” is Matilda’s motto in the vivacious stage adaptation of the Roald Dahl novel penned by Dennis Kelly and Tim Minchin. The show, produced by the RSC, has been a family favourite in the West End for years… and with good reason. The songs are catchy and witty, providing laughs (and tears) for both children and adults in the audience. We were invited to see the show and discuss how people might #BeMoreMatilda, which may seem an obvious answer… read books, be kinder, be humble. Those are all excellent traits that the adorable titular character possesses, however what really struck me watching the production is her utter strength and determination. How often do we find ourselves as adults questioning our own choices and feelings? How often do we allow someone to put us down even when we know it isn’t fair? 
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