Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No! It’s the infamous orange mask recognised by queers around the world! Friend to some, foe to others, whether you have downloaded it or not, the app never goes away! And this time, it returns to one of London’s beloved fringe theatre venues for another run of ‘Grindr the Opera: An Unauthorised Parody’, currently playing at The Union Theatre.
With the Book, Music and Lyrics by Erik Ransom, Grindr the Opera introduces us first-hand to the mythical siren themselves, Grindr, who has awoken from their millennial slumber by technology. Their mission? To entice and entrap as many men as possible online, engaging erotically, whether it’s no strings attached, or fulfilling fantasies. Throughout the story, we meet Devon, Tom, Don and Jack, four individuals each with their own story as to what led them to the notorious hook-up app, and ultimately, to intertwining with each other’s tales.
This adaptation, directed by William Spencer, does a fantastic job of blending amusing hits and one-liners, with poignant moments of exploration and delivery. With that being said, at times I felt some comedic moments didn’t reach their full potential, and some jokes were lost within the delivery of lines and sound quality. While the lyrics themselves contain hilarious nuggets of comedy, I would have liked to have seen the cast play and explore the nuance of the text further, drawing out their individual versions of the comedy.
If you’re looking to be seduced by silliness and song, then be sure to head down to the Union Theatre to catch Grindr the Opera before 8th July 2023!
Review by Adam Tipping
Rating: ★★★