Thursday 22 September 2022

INTERVIEW: Holly-Anne Hull, currently alternating the role of Christine in the West End production of The Phantom of the Opera

Holly-Anne Hull opened as Christine in the UK tour of The Phantom of the Opera in early 2020, this production shortly closed due to the closures of theatres going into the national lockdown. But this wasn't the end of the road for her, she is currently reprising her role in the West End production of the show and has just entered her second year in London where she alternates the role with Lucy St Louis. Her other credits include Ensemble and Cover Cosette in Les Miserables (Concert, West End production and International Tour), Holly Manson in Loserville (The Union Theatre) Gladys and Cover Lola in Copacabana (UK Tour) and Maid Marion in Robin Hood (Grove Theatre). 

After settling in to her second year in the West End production of Phantom with a new cast, we caught up with Holly-Anne Hull. 

You’ve recently opened with the new 2022/23 cast. How has it been welcoming in new cast members? 

It’s been really fun! Cast change is always a strange time because you are saying goodbye to some really special friends! But I have loved meeting the new cast members and we are excited to get into the year! 

What made you want to stay with this iconic show and role? 

I just don’t feel ready to leave yet! It’s been my dream role since I can remember and there’s no way I could say goodbye to it just yet!

If you had to describe the show to someone that had never heard of it, what would you say? 


Christine has been played by many incredible performers across the globe; when approaching the role, how did you make it your own? 

When we started rehearsals for the tour, the entire cast were brand new, not one cast member had been in the show before, so we all came in with fresh eyes and ears and I think that made it super special! 

The show is incredible and loved by so many around the world, but what was your first introduction to the show?

I went to see the show in Toronto actually! My family are from Canada and when I was over there visiting I went to see Phantom!  It would be my DREAM to do Phantom over there!! 

Do you have a favourite song from the show? 

Wishing is my favourite to sing and Music of the Night is my favourite to listen to. 

Prior to joining the West End company of Phantom, you were in Les Miserables. Am I right in thinking you came straight over to Phantom? What was it like doubling up?

Yess! I actually enjoyed it because both the casts in Les Mis and Phantom were all so lovely and supportive, they kept me powering through! I bounced off their energies! 

You are the alternate Christine in the show, what are the challenges of this role? Is it what you expected or were there some surprises? 

There are absolutely perks to being an alternate, but it can be hard only playing a role once a week, so I am finding a pace that works for me! 

Are there any other roles in the show that you’d love to get the chance to play?

In the future, I would love to play Giry! What an icon! 

You are part of the wonderful group Remember Monday, of which I am a huge fan of, alongside Lauren Byrne and Charlotte Steele. You’re all very busy ladies but are there any plans for more music or gigs in the future? 

YES! We have new music coming out very soon, we have been sitting on this music for years now and we finally feel ready to release it! I cannot wait!

What has been the highlight Remember Monday moment so far for you?

There have been a few stand-out moments with the band! But nothing beats the feeling when we are playing a live gig and the audience sing our original songs back to us!

Looking beyond Phantom, are there any other roles that you would love to play in the future? 

There is a very long list of dream roles but I won’t say them because I don’t want to jinx it!

And finally, in one sentence, why should people come along to see The Phantom of the Opera? 

 Because I’ll never forget the first time I saw it. You’ll know when you see for yourselves!

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