The award-winning Linzi Hateley and rising star Jac Yarrow lead this impressive and hardworking cast in the latest revival of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s classic musical, Joseph. The story follows gifted Joseph and his brother’s struggle to remain in his shade accompanied by a number of sing-a-long classic songs.
The set design is vibrant, flexible and moves slickly from one scene to the next allowing the story to move along at a good pace and no song or scene outstaying their welcome. Morgan Large’s design is a feast for the eyes, especially once the story moves into Egypt and we meet the charismatic Pharoah played by Bobby Windebank. Windebank sparkles as the Elvis-esque Pharoah full of hip thrusts and high-energy moves.

Linzi Hateley is a warm and friendly Narrator, gliding effortlessly between roles bringing the audience along with her. Returning to the role she first performed in 1991, her performance feels fresh, never laboured and looks like she’s having the time of her life especially as she adopts various comedic accents and shares knowing winks and laughs with the audience. She is in the thick of all the action and revels in holding the show together.

The first half of Joseph is by far the strongest and zips by at a breathtaking place. The longer second half does labour at points but the Megamix at the end is a joyous finale full of energy, whole company choreography and dazzling colours.
Joseph may not be one of the most life-changing and impactful shows but it has an enduring quality and timeless appeal and when performed by such a talented cast – hard to not be thoroughly enjoyable. For a great fun, family show Joseph and his Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat hits the spot.
Review by Andy Edmeads
Rating: ★★★★