Wednesday 6 April 2022

REVIEW: Everybody's Talking About Jamie at the New Wimbledon Theatre

When Jamie first came to the West End in 2017 there seemed to be an element of scepticism and unknown. A TV documentary turned musical seemed a bold move. Fast forward over four years later and the show has grown from strength to strength. With multiple tours, a lengthy West End residence and now even a major motion picture, it seems everybody is talking about Jamie. 

For tonight’s performance, Jamie New was to be played by alternate Jamie, Adam Taylor. It has to be said initially where Taylor seemed to not be giving his all he grew into his role and delivered a standout performance as Jamie, though his predecessors made much more of the role through their mannerisms and subsequently made the role their own, Taylor most definitely stepped up and filled those heels putting his stamp on Jamie.

As for characters making it their mentions must go to Jamie’s family friend ‘Ray’ (Sasha Latoya) and Hugo/Loco Chanelle (Shane Ritchie). Latoya was fantastic as Ray, both fiery and funny throughout. As for Ritchie, he made his scenes his own with numerous add lib moments that seemed natural and complemented the scene. 

Something to mention is how the show does well in its attempt to be current. The mention of COVID for instance along with referrals to PPE allows it to be as close to today's society as possible. However what’s fantastic about the show is its story, and how it will always be relevant regardless of the added extras. There will always be someone out there looking to this show as the inspiration they need to finally be who they want to be and that’s a rather wonderful thought to think. 

It’s a fantastic show for everyone. Dan Gillespie Sells' soundtrack has all the right songs and compliments the storyline at exactly the right moments. With the soundtrack combined with direction from Matt Ryan, you get a story about breaking out of the confines of society and simply being you. 

It’s a feel-good message of acceptance covered from head to toe in glitter, and sequins and finished off perfectly with a pair of killer red heels. 

Review by George Butler

Rating: ★★★★

Seat: Dress Circle D9 | Price of Ticket: £60
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