Wednesday 11 August 2021

COMING HOME: Collette Guitart, currently in SIX the Musical at the Lyric Theatre, soon to transfer to the Vaudeville Theatre

Pocket Size Theatre and Liza Heinrichs (Captured by Liz) have teamed up again and created our new series 'Coming Home'. In this new piece, we look at the reopening of Theatres in London and around the country and celebrate our industry coming back. We got together some performers who will be some of the first to return to theatres and created this piece to bring some positivity to the theatre industry which has been through one of the toughest years in our lifetime. Whilst it is important to acknowledge the hardships we've all gone through, it's important we pull together as a community and celebrate our beloved industry finally coming back! 

Six the musical hit the West End in early 2019 and has captured audiences, moving from its run at the smaller Arts Theatre to its first big West End venue at the Lyric Theatre where it is currently playing, the show will move to its new permanent home at the Vaudeville Theatre from the 29th September. 

Collette Guitart is the dance captain and understudies all of the Queens in the show, she has been with the production in its run at the Arts Theatre and is playing with it at the Lyric Theatre. She will be transferring with the show when it moves to its new home next month. Previously she appeared in Rip it Up at the Garrick Theatre, Bat Out of Hell at the Dominion Theatre, was a swing in the UK Tour of Wonderland and was in the ensemble of 27: Rise of a Falling Star at the Cockpit Theatre. 

Six was one of the first shows back when the West End opened briefly in December of 2020 and was among one of the first to reopen in May of this year, talking to Collette she says that the past 16 months have been incredibly difficult but what it did do was remind her to start relishing in every moment life brings along; “There really are no words to describe how the last year has been and the effect it’s had on everyone, but if it’s taught me anything, it's to make sure I’m actually living. Putting my happiness first and surrounding myself with the beautiful people in my life that bring me light, love, laughter, silliness and all the good things.” 

With Six coming back to where it belongs, in the West End, we spoke to Collette about how it feels to be back and she told us how wonderful it was but that she also cannot wait to be back in an audience herself, “It’s such a joy being in a show but to experience live theatre as an audience member again is going to be amazing.” When we asked her what show she’d most like to see, she had a difficult time choosing! “That is an evil question because I want to see ALL the shows! There’s just TOO MANY! I think it's between Hamilton and & Juliet. I have a few friends in both shows and I know they can’t wait to get back to doing what they love again. It would bring me so much joy to see them shining up there doing what they do best!” 

As exciting as it is that our industry is finally making a return, over the pandemic a lot of issues have been raised about various subjects across the performing arts industry. People are finally talking out about the problems and we’re hopefully moving forward to a better place for all, speaking to Collette about this she says that the industry will never be perfect, “I don’t believe that exists in any field anyway as we’re all continually learning and growing.” And she’s right, there are always lessons to learn. “The past year has taught myself and a lot of others to not just accept that “this is the industry we’re in”. Continuing to speak out for what’s right and for the important changes that need to be made as we slowly but surely return to “normal” is going to be vital.” 

As we spoke further about the industry, Collette tells us about how this pandemic has affected her personally; “I won’t lie, money was a worry. Especially with the government not really helping us out as much as I’m sure they could have.” She tells us that she has always done her best to make sure she has jobs lined up and to fill any breaks in-between shows and when the pandemic broke out she was approached to do some teaching and workshops which has seen her through. “It helped my mind and my body to still do something related to the arts. I actually started doing a bit of crafting as well to fill my time! I started with macrame and loved it, tried knitting and then I started making necklaces. I love crystals and crystal healing, all thanks to my mum who loves it too and got me into it, so started wrapping them up with wire and making some pretty necklaces. Also tried running, and can confirm, not for me.” 

Six is currently running at the Lyric Theatre until the 29th August and reopens at the Vaudeville Theatre, where it will run open-ended, from the 29th September. It's such a fantastic show and is exactly what we need after these tough 16 months, get yourself down to the West End and release your inner Queen with Collette and her fellow cast-mates! 

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