Monday 1 June 2020

Spotlight On: MoveSpace

These recent times have been some of the hardest challenges we've faced and as a community, it hit us pretty hard. However during these difficult times, here at Pocket Size Theatre, we wanted to spread a little positivity and celebrate the work that people are still managing to generate during these difficult times. In this ‘Spotlight On’ series, we'll be speaking to our friends in the industry to share what they are up to during these challenging times and how you can be involved.

Let's stick together, share the love and get through this as a community! 

Here we caught up with Laura Dredger and Ingrid Mackinnon, co-creators of Movespace - a space for movement directors and movement creatives to connect and share.

Can you give us a little intro into who Movespace are and what you do?

I: MoveSpace was founded in 2017 by Laura and myself, with a mutual desire to connect to other Movement Directors working in the UK and the International theatre industry. MoveSpace was developed by two colleagues who met once a month for coffee to discuss both personal and professional issues. After each meeting, we felt empowered from the support and guidance given by the other.

What made you want to start Movespace?

I: Realising the importance of building a network of like-minded peers, we are committed to connecting Movement Directors to create a space to discuss issues, network and share practice. The need to build a community. Also as theatre makers, we wanted to create something.

L: In the industry, there was support for other roles, like directors, writers amongst others, and we felt that there was a lack of professional development support for movement practitioners. The hope was that by building this network we could then be in a position to facilitate this support and open a dialogue.

What are you guys up to during Covid19?

I: Taking care of my family. Hosting online MoveSpace meetups with Laura. Staying creative with Band of Mothers, Dance Research Studio, collaborations with Gym Jam and creative team meetings for future projects. Teaching movement online at Mountview and Royal Central School of Speech and Drama.

L: Co-hosting online MoveSpace meet-ups, collaborating with Gym Jam to keep our objectives going. Making music videos with my housemates, attempting to learn Latin, teaching movement for UAL, teaching pilates sessions for my family in Birmingham and general self-care.

How can people get involved?

I: You can find us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Join our mailing list as well to receive newsletters!

When this is all over what do you think the landscape of the industry will look like?

I: It’s so unknown. I think the industry as we currently understand it will be very different for a while. Movement directors will have to be resilient and resourceful about how we make work and how we are involved in creative processes.

L: That is a question I have asked myself and has been a topic of discussion at many of our meetups. It will be different to what we knew, but it might also offer positive changes to the landscape. I know as a movement specialist my practice will adapt to accommodate the new norm.

Is there something that's happened during Covid19 that’s surprised you? For better or for worse!

I: The kindness of our industry and the beautiful spirit of movement folks.

L: I’ve not been surprised by the creativity and generosity that has happened, I am just grateful.

If your interested in the work Movespace are doing or want to connect at one of their regular meetups then check out their website and join their mailing list for updates.

Interview written and conducted by Phoebe Hyder
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