Friday 3 July 2020

Spotlight On: Aimee Leigh

These recent times have been some of the hardest challenges we've faced and as a community, it hit us pretty hard. However during these difficult times, here at Pocket Size Theatre, we wanted to spread a little positivity and celebrate the work that people are still managing to generate during these difficult times. In this ‘Spotlight On’ series, we'll be speaking to our friends in the industry to share what they are up to during these challenging times and how you can be involved.

Let's stick together, share the love and get through this as a community!

Here we chatted with Aimee Leigh - a London based theatre choreographer.

Can you give us a little intro into who you are and what you do?

I am a theatre choreographer with a focus on musical theatre jazz. My work has varied from community dance projects to commercial theatre. Originally from Leicester but moved to London around nine years ago. Growing up, I very quickly fell in love with all things showbiz, show people especially, so moving to London became the dream - and here I am!

What are you up to during Covid19?

Each day my activities vary, mood dependant! Currently, I am working part-time in Sainsbury's - that has been a crazy journey! However, every Friday I host a live interview on Instagram where I chat to fellow creatives about their work and the industry - it's a great opportunity for people to get to know new faces and to learn about what they do, but also to take this time to get to know them as a person as well as a creative. People can send in questions during the live chat! I have really enjoyed hosting them.

How can people get involved?

Follow me on Instagram and tune into the live chat on a Friday at 12:00! I'll announce the day before who the guest will be.

When this is all over what do you think the landscape of the industry will look like?

I hope that a lot of the content that has been moved online will stay online. I think collaboration between styles and other disciplines will be more popular than before. We have had to learn how to be tech-savvy and our appreciation for other types of creativity has changed and from that new ways of working have developed which I think will push our industry into a new exciting direction. I also think the price of ice creams at the theatre will go up by another pound! 

Is there something that's happened during Covid19 that’s surprised you? For better or for worse!

Yes, the amount of love people can give within a community. The street that I live on created a whats app chat when we first went into lockdown. I didn’t really know anyone and I’ve lived here for three years, but now I know everyone! We offer out supplies, and help people with shopping, I borrowed a bike form two doors down to cycle to work - we are even having a competition to see who can grow the tallest sunflower. It’s really sweet.

Follow Aimee on Instagram to join in with her QandA (and keep up with her Sunflowers progress!)

Instagram: @aimeeleigh_choreo

Interview written and conducted by Phoebe Hyder
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