Tuesday 11 June 2019

INTERVIEW: Grace Mouat, currently in the cast of SIX at the Arts Theatre

Grace Mouat is currently one of the understudies in the hit musical SIX at the Arts Theatre. Grace trained at the Guildford School of Acting. Theatre Credits include: Eileen in Nice Work If You Can Get It (GSA); Ensemble in Hair (GSA), Luna in Cats (GSA), The Oliviers in Concert (Royal Festival Hall); Ensemble in Spring Awakening (Leicester Curve), Ensemble in Beauty and the Beast (Camberley Theatre), Susan in Soul Music (Rose Theatre, Kingston) and ENCORE: 40 Years of NYMT (Adelphi Theatre). She will be appearing in the new West End musical, & Juliet, at the Shaftsbury Theatre from November this year. 

Tell us a about what Queens you play. 

So I am alternate Katherine Howard (beheaded) and Catherine of Aragon (divorced). I also cover the other 4 when necessary! I love these queens so much! I love their sarcastic lines and fierce songs. 

What kind of research did you do to prepare for these roles. 

Last June when we were in rehearsals we all researched our queens and presented them them to each other as if we were in a history class! It was so fun and interesting to see the queens present their characters and personalities. 
How do you identify with these roles? 

I identify with the queens because they are all strong, badass women. I have luckily never been anywhere near what they had to go through and I just think they’re so amazing.

As we all know, the Queens are all inspired by certain superstar sensations! When you play the different Queens, who do you like to draw Queenspiration from? 

Catherine of Aragon- 100% Beyonce! A role model and inspiration to me when I’m strutting around on stage. Katherine Howard- of course Queen Ariana. A wonderful performer and person! Both super incredible performers! 

This show has really catapulted into London and people are loving it! Why do you think it has been so successful? 

I think the message has really drawn people in! Feminism is so incredibly trendy right now which is amazing because it is educating so many people! Also so many of our amazing SiX fans literally look at us as a girl band. And I guess we are! 

Lets go back to the start of your journey with the show, how did you find out about the show? 

I had an audition from my agent. I was already aware of the show as a wonderful friend of mine (the gorgeous RenĂ©e Lamb) had been in the previous production which had rave reviews! 

And what was your audition process like? 

My audition process was so much fun! The panel were one of the most welcoming, hilarious, lovely audition panels. They clapped everyone at the end of their song, made us sing our songs to them and try and get our ‘fans’ on our side in the scenes. I just knew I wanted the job from working with the panel and the positive vibes they gave, especially the gorgeous writers Toby and Lucy. 

In the previous run of the show, you understudied every single part. As
this is your professional debut was that scary at all and how did you combat that? 

I’ll be honest, it was so scary! It was my first job and I knew it would be a challenge but I really believed in myself even when it was hard and I was stressed. I was also surrounded by the most amazing cast and my best friend and housemate at the time, Luke, who dealt with me coming home and rehearsing a number we had learnt that day as 6 different tracks! (Thanks Luke!) I basically said goodbye to my social life for 4 weeks so I could get the tracks down as much as I could. Once they were all learnt and the shows were up and running for me to watch it was much easier. The only thing with swinging a new musical is, in the initial stages, it’s always changing. Therefore, it’s changing for you 6 times! It was a lot but that is also the beauty of new musicals! I love them. 

Now with Vicki Manser and Courtney Stapleton joining the cast, your load is a little lighter! How has it been in this run of the show being able to focus on a few parts rather than all of them?

We still cover all of them just have 1st, 2nd and 3rd orders so I do still have to keep them all ticking. However, yes, the load is A LOT lighter and Vicki and Courtney are such incredible performers AND friends so I feel so so lucky to be working with them. 

You’re also going on the be in the original cast of ‘& Juliet’ which opens at the Shaftesbury Theatre after Six, how does it feel knowing you’ll be in an original West End cast not long after graduating and fresh from one of the most talked about new musicals?

I mean, just bizarre! Working on new musicals is something I have wanted to do since i was a kid and I feel so so lucky! & Juliet is such a special project and I truly adore it and hope the public do too. However, I will be such a wreck to leave Six but I’m glad I’m leaving when I still love it and have beautiful memories. 

Do you have any advice for those who would love to be in this show one day? 

Practice your pop singing/ dancing. Strut around in your heeled boots and do some riffs in the shower! Also, don’t take yourself too seriously! 

Which one is your favourite Queen and why? 

Oh I just love them all! However Catherine of Aragon and Katherine Howard have a special place in my heart so I am so lucky that I get to play these roles every week! They’re so funny! 

Why should people come and see Six?

Cos it’s so much fun! You’ll leave feeling so fab and uplifted! You’ll also learn so much about these amazing queens and all that they went through! I am so happy that we get to tell their stories in such a fun and exciting way!
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