Wednesday 24 April 2019

REVIEW: Club Tropicana at the New Wimbledon Theatre

This new musical makes its premier on tour around the UK, and its not often we get a new show like this. 

The show follows a couple, Olly and Lorraine, who break up on their wedding day. To cheer them up, their best friends take them on Holiday however all end up in the same hotel. 

At its heart, this is just a fun show. Is it changing the world? No. But it is making it slightly easier to live in when we can shows like this to escape to. This is Mamma Mia for the new ages, packed full with some of the classic tunes that everyone will know with a fresh take on them. 

The show, set in the 80’s, had a fresh and slick feel to it. The writing fitted the genre perfectly but managed to still create full and lovable characters. With the direction and choreography alongside a talented cast the show manages to tick all the boxes that you want when you go to a show like this. 

The show is lead by Joe McElderry as entertainment of the Hotel, Garry. He really holds the show together well and gives a well humoured and uplifting performance with some fantastic vocals. 

Amelle Berrabah plays Serena, one of the managers of the hotel. Her voice is lovely and she gives a really nice and heart warming performance, for her Theatrical debut this is an impressive start. 

Niel McDermott plays Robert, the love interest of Serena and fellow hotel employee. There was something about his character that felt under played. I’m not sure if it was a case of there not being enough material to fabricate a really memorable character or if he just fell under the radar. But his charisma on stage is wonderful. 

Kate Robbins, as Consuela the maid, absolutely steals the show. The character was hilarious from the get go, her impressions were spot on and she also has a huge voice to go along with her incredible acting talents. 

Emily Tierney proves there is more to her than her CV in this role, completely unrecognisable in the role of Christine. She really sets the bar in energy and commitment to her role. 

Cellen Chugg Jones and Karina Hind play Olly and Lorraine. Both have stunning voices, Cellen has range for days and had the audience cheering during his songs because it was so impressive. Karina also has a voice to die for, it came with no effort what so ever and it was so natural and engaging to watch. Both are fantastic in the roles and I can’t wait to see more from these two. 

Its so lovely to see a show that has some headliners in, giving performers who have mostly featured in ensemble and understudy roles the chance to play leads. Its really refreshing and proves they’re just as qualified to carry a show. 

Supported by a fresh, youthful and energetic ensemble; choreography was tight and it seemed they were all having a good time so obviously, the audience were too! Stand outs for me would be Camilla Rowland in the ensemble and Kane Verrall as Olly’s friend, Blaine. Camilla was giving face and legs for days whilst Kane gave a really funny performance, he knew his audience and plays up to that so he quickly becomes a favourite. 

If you’re a fan of Benidorm, then this is the show for you. Its a night of good songs, fantastic performances and a show that will have you in stitches. This is really what this country needs right now, some comedy relief, and the great thing about this show is that it does it well. 

A camp, energetic and heartwarming show that have you dancing in your seats and on your feet. Would totally recommend seeing this in a city near you! 

Review by Mark Swale 

Rating: ★★★★

Seat: Stalls, R 35 | Price of Ticket: £41.40

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