Wednesday 30 January 2019

REVIEW: Eden Espinosa’s Revelation

Eden Espinosa is well known in the theatre community as one of the most celebrated “Elphabas,” having been part of the Broadway, San Francisco, and Los Angeles productions of the acclaimed musical Wicked. Espinosa’s latest album, Revelation,is comprised of all original material and Eden has written eight of the ten tracks herself. Although this may be her first experience writing music, she clearly has a talent for telling provoking stories through her songs.

I would be hard pressed to describe the genre in which Revelationfalls. The album has a unique sound that is a combination of pop, rock, and soul, with elements that are reminiscent of the music of the 80’s and 90’s. The style suits her voice perfectly and shows her versatility as a performer. At no time while I was listening to the album did I think that this was a musical theatre voice trying to fit itself into an ill-fitting, cookie cutter pop style. 

The central theme running through the album is about reclaiming your power and finding your voice. Going through each track takes the listener on a journey of hurt, acceptance, perseverance, and healing. It seems that a personal experience influenced the lyrics as the level of emotion and strength that comes through each song is truly moving and inspirational. 

Both the highs and lows of the emotions conveyed by the lyrics are expertly complimented in the music. “Deadly Sin” starts the album on a dark note with feelings of weariness and pain coming through with dramatic orchestrations and the use of oppressive techno elements. “Bed for 2” imparts a similar level of angst and fear of being alone with a decidedly rock vibe. Conversely, ballads like “Master of my Life” and “The Answer” rely on simpler melodies that set a reflective tone and project vulnerability with an underlying strength. 

Another highlight of the album, “Keep On,” conveys the essence of personal courage and believing in yourself. It carries a similar message to the likes of Katy Perry’s “Roar,” but with far more sincerity and none of the clichés. If you’re on the lookout for a new personal anthem, your search is complete.

Eden Espinosa’s Revelationis a rousing and emotional journey of personal discovery that reminds you just how powerful music can be. If this is only her first venture into song writing, I can’t wait to see what lies ahead!

Review by Laura Talbot

Rating: ★★★★★
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