Friday 31 August 2018

Denise Van Outen to take over the role of Velma in Chicago at the Phoenix Theatre

Denise Van Outen, who has previously played the role of Roxie on the West End and Broadway, will return to the show at the Phoenix Theatre as Velma Kelly according to the Daily Mail. 

Her other theatre credits include Tell Me on a Sunday, Rent Remixed and Legally Blonde. She is also a judge on Irelands Got Talent. 

Denise said ‘I’m really excited about it. I remained very good friends with the producers of the show, because when I did the show on Broadway I actually lived in their apartment.

It’s one of those things, it was such a big piece of my life. I was the first celebrity to do Chicago, so it was quite a big gamble for them and because it kind of worked out and went well and I was well received in New York by the Press and the critics, I’ve always had that real love for the show.’
The role of Velma is currently playing Josefina Gabrielle until the 22nd September. 

She will play Velma from the 24 September with Alexandra Burke as Roxie and Duncan James as Billy Flynn.

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