Thursday 5 July 2018

REVIEW: Circa: Peepshow at Underbelly London

Hailing from Australia, Circa are one of the world’s leading contemporary circus companies. Since 2004 they have been wowing audiences across the world and becoming a firm Edinburgh Fringe favourite at the Underbelly.

Bringing their latest work to London, Peepshow is a bold and breath-taking production that grabs you hard and doesn’t let go. Director Yaron Lifschitz has turned the traditional ideals of a ‘peepshow’ on its head and while the show is sexy and wild, it is not about gratification and objectifying women which has become so synonymous with the genre.

The show really lent itself to the space and seeing Peepshow in a more traditional space just wouldn’t have the same impact. It’s no wonder the Australian Government are so happy to support their work. This new production only further enhances their reputation and reinforces the plaudits that have followed from their other shows including Humans and Closer.

Opening proceedings was Jessica Connell who slithered and slid her way through a series of hoops, the pace and force of which increased with each thrust and twist. It really set the tone for what lay ahead.

Jarred Dewey stole the show with his strength and gravity defying tricks and stunts on the trapeze. Dazzling in blue sequins, he shone throughout the show but particularly during this segment. The audience gasped and exclaimed in amazement and bewilderment at the feats in front of them and made the most complex contortions look effortless.

If you’ve seen their previous work, the success of this show once again lies within the tight ensemble work and the real sense of collective underpins this mesmerizing hour within the impressive wooden Spiegelten. While all the performers were given the opportunity to shine, they did so best when together either when flying through the air or when they slowed things down towards the end.

Visually there’s much to feast on and this is well supported by a fabulous
soundtrack of songs and sounds which both delight and unsettle. There’s a darkness that runs throughout this piece which only adds to the atmosphere tonight and engages you more. 

It’s wonderful to see an audience so captivated by the talent of the seven performers. Circa don’t rely on scenery, effects or even your imagination; this show packs a punch using the force, beauty and strength of the human body and it is laid bare in all its glory at the Underbelly. Don’t miss this production.

Review by Andy Edmeads 

Rating: ★★★★★

Price of Ticket: £17.50 unreserved.
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