Tuesday 2 January 2018

Pocket Size Theatre 5th Anniversary: Our Top 10 Reviews!

"Legally Blonde is high energy and like a high set of stairs doesn’t give you a chance to breathe. Winded by all of the talent that was on that stage Legally Blonde is entertaining and you’ll leave with all of the tunes playing through your head."

"This show was not the Royal Variety Performance, as it did lack polish and there were occasional technical hiccups, but I wouldn't have changed a single thing about it. I laughed, I cried (a lot), I smiled and I danced along in my seat. It was the perfect night out, and for anyone who loves variety, it's a must-go-to event."

"Director Scott Gilmour has done an incredible job with this piece. The use of wooden crates to transport each scene to various locations was done beautifully. There were many scenes that were so beautifully directed and choreographed that I had chills and they deserve commendation, however I feel these scenes should be experienced in person rather than preconceived through any description."

"Watching Salad Days has made me really think about the stories being told on stage at the moment; from plays and musicals about Brexit and Trump’s America, to news on our televisions about terror attacks: is Salad Days something we need on the stage? It’s not politically poignant and it’s not contextual to life pressures now but I have to say, with a loud booming voice ‘YES IT IS!’."

"The staging is grandiose and multi layered with amazing automated scene changes, multiple projections and some stand out special effects to create the post-apocalyptic city of Obsidian. While this amazing staging keeps the show moving slickly forward it also creates a number of sight line problems for those in the front stalls which detract from the overall visual impact of the production."

"The Strange Case of Jekyll’s and Hyde is a triumph. From ita atmospheric lighting, use of physical theatre and masterful score to the actors who breathe life and depth into then characters. It is inspirational, innovative and very smart indeed."

"All or Nothing chronicles the story of Mod musicians The Small Faces, arguably one of the most influential groups of the movement. Overseeing proceedings is an older, cheekier and somewhat more laid back version of lead singer Steve Mariott, who serves both as narrator and, at times, good natured heckler to keep the audience connected to the story. Played by the exceptionally talented Chris Simmons, the older Steve brings a genuine charm and irreverence to the affair, mapping the rise and fall of his very own star."

"The music from Unfolding Tales is phenomenal and stirring. We are so thirsty for new musical theatre and this, musically ticks the boxes. It would be interesting to see this as a full production. Keep an eye out for Unfolding Tales as I’m sure this isn’t the last we will be seeing of the work of Joseph Purdue."

"The Addams Family is not the family show I thought it would be. It was very cheeky; filled with innuendos, gags and naughty moments (which for us adults was great!) so I’d be wary if you were considering taking young children along! Nevertheless, I left the theatre wanting to be part of this kooky clan of miscreants. The Addams Family is a delightful evening of ghoulish glory – a must see for those who want to release their dark-side!"

"‘To me, life is beautiful, for all its tragedy and suffering’ was once said by Federico Fellini in regards to his film and Sally Cookson’s adaptation delivers on so many levels. From it’s haunting Greek chorus to the fantastical lighting that gives Audrey, Stuart and Bart the space to tell a truly riveting, soul wrenching and brilliant story. ‘La Strada’ plays at The Other Palace from now until the 8th of July and I can not urge you enough to see it."
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