Wednesday 10 January 2018

Pocket Size Picks: Our Favourite Theatre Websites!

This fairly recent creation is such a good resource for the modern day theatre fan; a huge database of performers, shows and theatres makes searching and fan girling so much easier! Put this one in your favourite tabs, its a must have! 

We are a huge fan of this website, it makes buying tickets so much easier! Not sure whether the price your paying for a ticket is worth it? Are you thinking that the cheapness/expensiveness of the ticket you're purchasing is legitimate? Log onto this website and you'll see your exact view from your seat. We don't know what we'd do without this! 

This is one of our favourite podcasts, although we haven't heard from them in a while they are still fantastic to listen to. They're really relaxed and the conversations they're having with industry professionals are everything you would want in an interview. 

This is a recent find for us, Andrew Keates chats to a bunch of industry professionals and its all natural, interesting conversations and is what I now listen to when I'm working! They're pretty long, but grab a cuppa and do some work whilst you listen. Wonderful podcast and a must have for your favourites tab!

One of the leading Theatre Websites, this is a great resource for all things theatre. The latest news, reviews and updates from all things theatre come from this website. They're a must have on your follow list on facebook and twitter!

One of our favourite theatre bloggers; bringing the same qualities as WhatsOnStage they also feature thought provoking blogs which are relevant and up-to-date. They've gone from another theatre blog to a huge entity! Fabulous content.

From the other side of the pond, this website keeps us up to date with all things Broadway! And their YouTube channel is an absolute must have on your subscriptions list. Our favourites are some of their Vlogs with Broadway performers. 

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