Sunday 20 August 2017

EDINBURGH FRINGE REVIEW: Delorean at the Assembly Rooms

Everyone knows a little bit about the Delorean car story whether from the back to the future movie in which it features or from the news stories of the extraordinary investment in Northern Ireland to build the new car or the scandal that follows . But Jon Ivay sets out the whole story from start to finish in this exciting new play which has great potential to develop into a full play. It makes for a dramatic, amusing and shocking drama which has the same power to explain the business dealings behind the news story as the successful Enron musical did.

Simply set at the Assembly Rooms with a strong cast and some short cut devises that could be expanded in a full version, it is entertaining and revealing in equal measure as John Delorean and his associates leave General Motors to start up a new company to create the iconic Gull wing sports car that everyone hoped would be transformational and profitable.

The wheeling and dealing along the way spirals out of control as desperation grows to keep the dream alive as the project crashes to its headline making conclusion.

This may not be the finished play but the story and this structure has huge potential and should emerge from the Fringe stronger and with development enjoy a bright future. 

Review by Nick Wayne 

Rating: ★★★★
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