Sunday 20 August 2017

EDINBURGH FRINGE REVIEW: Catherine and Anita at the Assembly Rooms

Theatre can sometimes be uncomfortable viewing at the Edinburgh Fringe and it takes a strong performance to hold and engage the audience when the topic and venue is challenging . Sarah Roy gives such a powerful display in this disturbing play in a portacabin in George street as Catherine who is a troubled twenty something explaining her life through a series of chilling flashback scenes. 

Gradually we understand her friendship with Anita , her difficult relationship with her mother and father and how she comes to meet her first boyfriend Dan with whom she shares the secrets from her life. Roy with a simple twist of her hair and change of posture regresses back to a 7 year old , then a 12 year old and finally the 26 year old on her first date . We are shocked to learn about each relationship and its impact on her life and what brings her to the sad and disturbing end with which the play starts .

She is believable and chilling in equal measure and while the subject matter of her mental illness is uncomfortable, her performance delivers a compelling hour of drama.
Review by Nick Wayne 

Rating: ★★★
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