Monday 14 August 2017

EDINBURGH FRINGE REVIEW: Atlantic - A Scottish Story at the Assembly Hall

A girl looks across the ocean and longs to discover. But if she is left behind, she must still find a way to live. Is it a curse to stay? What if we couldn't travel, could never leave home and see the world? Can we still be happy?

A superb cast bring to life this breath-taking piece of new writing. The cast is 16 strong and lead by the fearless Caroline Lyell as Evie. We see Evie grow from a boisterous child to a strong courageous woman with a secret. I was absolutely mesmerised by her performance, when she was happy the audience smiled with her and in the more solemn moments the audience were moved to tears. Caroline held us in the palm of her hand from start to finish. 

Reed Lancaster is charming and charismatic as Quinn. He breathes life into the character and is equally believable as both a young excited child and a captivating adventurer. His vocals seem effortless and his story telling truly excellent. 

Special Mention must go to Andrew Sowrey who brings light relief to many a scene as Evie’s brother Arlo. Andrew’s comedic timing was excellent. Mary Laura Godby’s voice soars beautifully above her fellow peers, her velvety tones gave me shivers every time she sang, especially in the opening scene.

Director Scott Gilmour has done an incredible job with this piece. The use of wooden crates to transport each scene to various locations was done beautifully. There were many scenes that were so beautifully directed and choreographed that I had chills and they deserve commendation, however I feel these scenes should be experienced in person rather than preconceived through any description.

If you see nothing else this Edinburgh Fringe season get your tickets to ‘Atlantic’. I was enchanted from start to finish in both ‘A Scottish Story’ and ‘America & The Great War’. There must be a future for these productions. 

Review by Bryan Jennings

Rating: ★★★★
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