Tuesday 3 January 2017

INTERVIEW: Lucie Jones, currently playing Maureen in the 20th Anniversary Production of RENT

What a year! From Legally Blonde to RENT, nothing like variety? 
Variety is the spice of life! My whole career has been varied to the max so this year has been no different. I really loved Legally Blonde!

Tell us a little bit about your character in RENT...
Maureen. She’s a tricky one to put into words but she’s definitely feisty for sure. She’s an activist – constantly trying to change things for the better, whilst unashamedly self-promoting!

Is RENT a show that you'd seen or heard before? 
I’d heard some of the tunes and loved them but didn’t know it very well. I’m well and truly a Renthead now!

What's your favourite moment in the show?
Over The Moon is totally mental. I really love our Mark (Billy Cullum) singing Halloween too.

Do you have a favourite from the shows you've been in before?
Legally Blonde was incredible, a really special show. Jon Robyns, Nikolai Fosster and Nick Winston – dream team! I also really loved American Psycho.

You're making quite a name for yourself in musical theatre, and deservedly so! Is it something you'd always wanted to do?
Thank you so much! Yes - always. I auditioned for musical theatre colleges but didn’t get in anywhere. Funnily enough, my audition tune was Take Me or Leave Me!

Did you feel a pressure coming into the world of Musical Theatre from the X Factor? 
A lot of people would say that "reality show stars" aren't up to the job, but you only have to look at the likes of yourself, Joe McElderry, Alexandra Burke, Brenda Edwards, Lloyd Daniels etc. to prove that isn't so! I will always feel that pressure but hope to quash those opinions with the work I do onstage.

Is there a role or show you'd like to do in the future? 
 So many! I have a long list but no one other than my agent will ever see it.

Have you toured before? Are you enjoying the touring life? 
I’ve toured internationally but never the UK on a theatre show. I did the X Factor tour in 2010 and I love touring. It’s hard work but so worth it.

Is there a city you're particularly looking forward to visiting and performing in? 
Definitely Cardiff which is my hometown – and Leicester because of Legally. It feels like I’m coming home whenever I’m there.

If you could pick one Musical Theatre song to be your anthem, what would it be? 
That’s the hardest question ever. I’d have to do a megamix, there are too many to choose from.
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