Ok, let’s address the obvious first; Vincent and Flavia are
exceptionally talented dancers. Even though I am no Strictly Come Dancing
expert, I know this. Flawless footwork, perfect timing and chemistry that ooze
out of every pore, the pair recreates the magic of 1940s Hollywood in this high
energy production.
What was a welcome surprise was just how good the rest of
this 2 hour feast for the senses was!
Musical Director Patrick Hurley created a score rich in sounds
that take the audience on a nostalgic journey to the golden era of film and
showbiz, with jazz favourites like Cry Me A River and Why Don’t You Do Right.
The show also added new tones to contemporary songs by Bruno Mars, Adele and
Paolo Nutini which only aided the shows appeal and made it relevant to a
younger audience.
Everything about this production was slick. The ensemble
dancers were so fluid, strong and in tune that it was impossible to notice when
our star duo were not on stage. Even the scene changes were consistent with this
productions fast paced nature, with no change lasting any longer than 5 seconds
while music played throughout meaning the audience were never given chance to
draw breath.
This production played to the strengths of its talented
cast. While Vincent and Flavia are super-star dancers, they are clearly not
actors or singers; hence why neither utters a single word. But this was well masked
and did not matter, as they were supported by such talented performers around
them, allowing the couple to shine and do what they do best.
Oliver Darley as The Voice was captivating during his solo
numbers with a range that belied his slight appearance. It was hard not to be
moved by the slower songs such as Stand By Me and got a deservedly loud cheer.
The comedy was provided by Teddy Kempner who led us through
the story as Tommy Dubrowski, whose comic timing was spot on and his amiable,
relaxed nature instantly warmed himself to the audience. He glided in and out
of the story giving it focus, never taking it away.

Fancy foot work, fabulous musical score and a fun,
exhilarating production!
Review by Andy Edmeads
Rating: ★★★★