Thursday 16 May 2013

Liza (on an E): Theatre Review

Liza Menelli is playing the Vaudeville Theatre! Well... Kinda! Australian star Trevor Ashley brings his hit cabaret show, Liza on an E, to the West End for the first time. Having previously been a hit in other countries it was just a matter of time before it came over to London. In this show Liza (Ashley) covers subjects from her mother to film appearances to her marriages. 
This controversial show is so well put together and is the perfect length, before hand I thought it was going to be a drag queen singing songs for two hours but it wasn’t like that at all! The two act show is about 2 hour and 10 minutes in total but doesn’t feel like that at all, at no point did I get bored.  This show will have you trying to catch your breath through laughter at some points but also completely drawn into the emotion Trevor Ashley portrays on stage in songs like ‘Losing My Mind’. His impersonation of Liza is astonishing, if you closed your eyes you would barley know any difference. But this isn’t just a tribute or impression show, its also some what of a piss take! The way he would use Liza’s signature giggle and hand gestures were just hilarious. 
I must give credit to the amazing band, lead by George Dyer, who were absolutely stunning, it felt like being at a  huge concert with a 40 piece band but it was only 7 people! Incredible. I also have to give a mention to the lighting design, such a brilliant design and even though there was a lack in equipment they made the most of it. 
Its ultimately a spoof as much as it is a tribute to the legend. Trevor Ashley is just breathtaking, his commitment to his performance was spectacular. His stage presence was beyond belief, such a passionate performance that did not dip in energy; what amazing stamina! His confidence was mesmerizing, he’s been performing in this show for a while now and it shows, not through it being to over rehearsed but through it being utter perfection. I loved this show, its only on until the 18th May so get down to the Vaudeville Theatre now and get your tickets! 

Rating: ****

Liza (On a E) is playing at the Vaudeville Theatre until the 18th May 2013

Photo credit : Darren Bell /
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