Wednesday 12 December 2012

Lend me a Tenor the Musical: Theatre Review

Lend me a Tenor is running at the Gielgud Theatre, with an opening night of June 15th2011, with previews from June 2nd2011.This musical transfers from the out of town tryout in Plymouth which ran in September to October 2010. Tito Merelli has come to sing in the Grand Opera Company's production of Otello, but Max (The assistant to the Opera's director) gets thrown on in the place of Tito which leads to confusion for everyone in the show and create chaos! On June 13thI was invited to see a preview of the show, and I have to say I was impressed. I was not expecting to like the musical as I'm not a fan of slapstick or musicals set in that particular period of time but it was fantastic!
The musical stars Matthew Kelly, and from watching the show I can see that this is stunt casting to get in some extra people. His mannerisms as Henry Saunders were cringe worthy the whole way through, his characterisation in the role is poor but he was ok, he wasn't terrible.
The rest of the cast however were brilliant! Each character had their own personality and you can tell the actors love this show! Joanna Riding and Michael Matus are perfect as the Merellis, Joanna Riding especially plays a brilliant stubborn Italian woman, with Michael Matus complementing her well as Tito.
Damian Humbley as Max Garber was also genius casting and was a huge asset to this show. Cassidy Janson was fantastic, she is a great performer! Her voice is powerful but not so over powering that she overpowers the other actors, her solo ('Fling') was perfectly sung! Sophie-Louise Dann, Gay Soper, Jane Quinn and Michelle Bishop were also great additions to the show, but somewhat understated by the rest of the musical.
The musicals slapstick elements were brilliant, something I was dreading at the start, but they were not overly dragged out like some of the old stuff, but were fast and witty, I was laughing my head off while watching it. The ensemble was great for all the 5 minutes they were used, and the set brilliantly used in the show, loved the way it moved around and made the different rooms. The show was not what I expected in the slightest, but this was a good thing! Because if I got what I expected, I would not be happy! Over all i think the show was brilliantly cast and amazingly done by the creative team. The show brings something to the west end that nothing has ever brought before.

Rating: ****

Lend Me A Tenor played at the Gielgud Theatre and closed on 6th August

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